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April 8, 2020

A.S. candidate for director of business affairs

Photo illustration by Chelsea Nguyen Fleige/Spartan Daily

Electrical engineering sophomore Raj Shah said he plans to take what he has learned as a membership growth officer at San Jose State’s student-led entrepreneurship club IDEAS and apply it to the position of Associated Students director of business affairs.

Currently running unopposed, Shah has been in student governments since he was in high school and has a “passion to actually bring a difference into the community.”

“I personally hope that A.S. will be working with all the companies within Silicon Valley . . .  And different student clubs . . . Such as IDEAS, [the] business club and [the] engineering club,’ ” Shah said. 

He said he is also a representative for the Residence Hall Association for students living on campus.

Shah said the COVID-19 pandemic has “shaken the world” and that he plans to support petitions such as Credit/No Credit classes, to voice financial needs for student-employees who lost wages and to motivate students to support each other as they find routine in online classes.

The SJSU administration has since announced that it will offer students the right to petition for a Credit/No Credit grading format for Spring 2020 courses.

“It would mainly be as a survey,” he said. “I plan to email all of the student body and ask what problems they are really facing.”