Tech at Nite, Thursday April 3rd

Support the Spartan Daily

Currently the Spartan Daily is the only publication taking donations. Our publication costs have continued to rise while advertising revenue has declined.

Please consider helping us continue printing the Spartan Daily so we can best serve the campus community.

How Your Donations Help Us

Donations to the Spartan Daily fund will help us to continue to produce the Daily as a print newspaper as it has been for 85 years without missing a scheduled publication date.

Top-notch student reporters
Top-notch student reporters

Your donations support our student journalists in continuing to do award-winning work.


Our student journalists are trained in every facet of journalism, including print, video and online.

Global reach
Global reach

Supporting the Spartan Daily supports student journalists who go on to careers all over the world.

Daily print edition
Daily print edition

In a time when student newspapers are shying away from print, we feel it is important to continue to print the Daily as a teaching tool as well as an instrument to keep the campus community informed.


To Donate to the Spartan Daily

In order to donate to the Spartan Daily, follow the link below.

From there click on "Give Now."

Now select "Choose a Giving Opportunity" and in the window type "Spartan Daily Fund" and complete the process as instructed.

We truly appreciate your support.