Eleven candles, representing the 11 Jewish men and women killed in Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Congregation synagogue on Saturday, were lit in front of the more than 500-person crowd outside City Hall on Tuesday.
“We say each of their names so they do not become just a statistic, they will forever be remembered,”
District 5 County Supervisor Joe Simitian said.
The Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley set up the Interfaith Vigil of Solidarity Against Hate in support of the Pittsburgh community. Congregation Shir Hadash Cantor Devorah Felder-Levy led the group in “Gesher Tzar Meod,” a song that translates to “The whole world is a very narrow bridge, the important thing is to not be afraid.”
Members of the Jewish community, elected officials and several interfaith leaders spoke on the mass shooting and how everyone was affected, not only the Jewish community in Pittsburgh.
San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo explained that when a tragedy occurs, the entire world pauses, not only the affected community.
“[The attack] has violated the sanctuary of holy places, whether it’s a church in Charleston or a synagogue in Pennsylvania,” Liccardo said. “Today, Pittsburgh is the center of the world,” he added.
The speakers described their emotions and shared their thoughts following the attack. Instead of placing shame on the suspect and other anti-Semitic incidents, they offered solutions to make the world a better place.
“We can send cards and letters of support, we can say Kaddish for the victims and certainly we can support those families,” District Attorney Jeff Rosen said. “However, we need to stand up here and come together to ensure nothing like this happens here.”
Kaddish is a Jewish prayer that is usually recited to mourn the dead, though mourners also say Kaddish to show that despite the loss, they still praise God.
As the sun descended, attendance continued to grow and the circle of mourning community members grew larger.
San Jose Unified School District Board President Susan Ellenberg, described growing up in Squirrel Hill, the neighborhood of Congregation Tree of Life, and explained why it is important to stay strong.
“I am afraid of a lot of things, but I am not afraid to be Jewish. As a Jew, I will continue to stand up for minorities,” Ellenberg said.
Additionally, Muslim, Christian and Sikh leaders explained that in times of trouble, it is more important to stick together than to point fingers at others.
“Hate crimes affect not just the families but the groups and religions of those people. We must have a zero-tolerance policy for anti-Semitism,” Community and Civic Engagement Manager of the Islamic Network Group Raania Mohsen said. “This country was built on religious freedom. As Americans we cannot stand for bigotry.”
San Jose Silicon Valley NAACP President, Pastor Jethro Moore offered his condolences to the Jewish community.
“We at the NAACP stand with the Jewish people, for we have all been through tough times,” Moore said.
Though the speakers discussed positivity, they were forced to face the facts.
“There has been anti-Semitism for a long time and unfortunately, I don’t think it is going away,” Liccardo said.
However, Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley CEO Jyl Jurman said she finds solace in the interfaith relationships that have been strengthened in San Jose.
“I don’t know if we can ensure this doesn’t happen again, but we can be there for our other faith-based communities and they can be here for us,” Jurman said. “The relationships we have worked together are incredible. It is a really good relationship that we have worked very hard over the years to develop.”
At the end of the night Ellenberg read the names of the 11 men and women who were killed. With tears in eyes and an overall sense of sorrow, the night ended with everyone joined together to recite the Kaddish.