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March 24, 2020

SJSU offers partial refunds

San Jose State will partially refund fees students paid for services and facilities that are largely out of use because of precautions taken by the university amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a campuswide email Sunday.

Tuition will not be refunded, stated the email, which has frustrated many students.

“It’s bullshit,” political science senior Diana Solares said in an Instagram message to the Spartan Daily. “I’m teaching myself and paying full tuition. There’s more than half a semester left and I’m broke and I can’t even work. And my school doesn’t want to refund me for classes I can’t even fully appreciate or learn from.”

In the email, administrators stated that SJSU is not obligated to refund tuition under California state law.

“Campus remains open and all instruction is continuing by a variety of means,” the email reads. “According to provisions of Title V, SJSU has determined that tuition and mandatory fees have been earned. Therefore, there are no refunds on tuition and mandatory fees, as they are being delivered, albeit by a variety of means.”

But with many students out of work, the university has yet to announce any plans to help those that may need more time to pay tuition or any other mandatory fees. 

However, some students feel that SJSU should consider partially refunding fees to students.

“I believe SJSU shouldn’t give full refunds on tuition,” said Desiree Severance, a senior dietetics major, in a Twitter message to the Spartan Daily. “But I do feel that online classes cost less than in-person classes, so they should give us a refund based on how many weeks we have left.”

Students who choose to vacate on-campus housing have been given the option to cancel their license agreements by March 30. If a student chooses to do so, they must vacate their dorm, remove all belongings and turn in their key and access card.

The email states that “approximately 42%” of this semester’s rent will be returned if students vacate by March 30. The university states that the refunds will be issued by mid-April.

Those who terminate their license agreement or students living off campus are eligible for meal plan refunds.

The Dining Commons and residence halls will remain open for the foreseeable future, and students will be able to stay on campus and use those services.

Refunds for parking passes will be distributed proportionally from the week they are requested on a case-to-case basis, according to the email.

The amount of money refunded will correspond to the date the refund is requested on, with no apparent deadline. Students, staff and faculty members will be able to cancel their campus parking agreements. 

Students who choose to terminate their housing license will also receive a refund for their parking pass to the
Campus Village Garage.