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April 29, 2020

Student aid grant requests released

Story updated on May 12.

Patrick Day, San Jose State vice president of student affairs, announced the release of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Securities (CARES) Act grant request forms for  students Tuesday.

He stated in a campuswide email that any student enrolled in the spring semester who filed for Free Application for Federal Student Aid before March 13 is eligible for the emergency money.

“We anticipate notifying awarded students and distributing all grant awards before the end of the spring 2020 semester,” Day stated.

SJSU will automatically deliver grants to students who meet the university’s criteria and have an Expected Family Contribution of $10,000 or less, according to Day.

The request form displays an anticipated awards range of $200 to $1,100. However the maximum reward according to the coronavirus relief bill is $6,195.

Then students state their requested amount of funds and a description of your situation and a “breakdown” of financial needs.

Students are advised to complete the request forms by May 5. Those who do not meet the criteria should contact the SJSU Cares office for information on other resources, Day stated.