I've got 99 problems and worrying about school during my religious holidays is one.
In Islam, there are two holidays that followers observe: Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, the holiest month in Islam and Eid al-Adha, which is observed after Hajj, the yearly Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, according to a Muslim Aid webpage.
After committing to fasting every day from pre-dawn to sunset and staying up every night worshipping during Ramadan, Eid comes as a pat on the back, a breath of fresh air, celebrating our efforts and allowing us to smoothly transition back into our everyday routines.
My Eid al-Fitr traditions include spending quality time with friends and family, worshipping God and watching my wallet get fatter, but being burdened by endless assignments has slithered its way into the list.
In 2021, as a dual-enrollment high school student, one of the first college classes I took was public speaking. The professor assigned the class four speeches to present throughout the semester, highlighting the importance of a particular speech, the persuasive speech, due on May 13.
At the beginning of the year, I didn’t think much of the date.
However, as the presentation inched closer, and after putting my blood, sweat and tears into that assignment, my heart dropped as my brain connected the dots.
May 13: The same day as Eid al-Fitr.
Eid al-Fitr is one of the most memorable and special days of the year for me. This year, it is coming up from the evening of March 29 until sunset on March 30, according to The Columbus Dispatch webpage.
It is forbidden in Islam to fast on Eid al-Fitr, as this is a day designated for rest and rejuvenation, according to the same webpage.
But how can I truly rest when I have to worry about school?
Just like our Christian peers get to spend their Christmas holidays on break, Muslims deserve to have stress-free holidays too.
Growing up in Egypt, a Muslim-majority country, Eid breaks were non-negotiable.
My typical holiday involved my family spending the morning at the mosque, praying a special Eid prayer, then gathering around while the adults would distribute gifts, usually money, among the children and youth. Then we would share a huge meal while joyfully chatting and catching up.
Eid gifts are called “Eidis” or “Eidiyahs,” combining the Arabic terms “Eid,” meaning “festival” in English, and “Hadiyah,” meaning “gift,” according to a Bonyan Organization webpage.
Not once did the idea that I would be skipping school during the holiday and dealing with the consequences cross my mind. Yet, here we are.
In the United States, despite Eid al-Fitr holding such a large significance for me and my Muslim peers and in the schools I attended, it is nothing but an unexcused absence.
With this being my first year at San José State, I can’t describe how lucky I feel having Eid al-Fitr fall during our spring break.
But because the Islamic calendar follows the lunar cycle, the days shift, according to a Yaqeen Institute webpage, meaning that Eid Al-Fitr will eventually end up coming during midterms season which is a nightmare.
The next unofficial Eid holiday will be in 2033, when Eid and Christmas are expected to fall on the same day, according to a March 21, 2023, Esquire Middle East article.
I and many of my Muslim friends are excited about this coincidence, but why the eight-year wait?
The 4.5 million Muslim Americans, according to a Justice for All webpage, shouldn’t have to wait for once-in-a-blue-moon coincidences for them to have a restful holiday.
Schools and universities should collectively make Eid an official holiday from now on, granting Muslim students the chance to observe their holiday with no extra stress, and some of them have already done so.
Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, the City University of New York chancellor, announced that CUNY officially recognizes Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Lunar New Year and Diwali as school holidays and will not be holding classes on those days, according to a City University of New York webpage.
An argument I have heard against recognizing Eid is, “What about the other religions? If we recognize Muslim holidays, then the rest will want us to recognize theirs too.”
And to them, I say, let’s go for it.
There is nothing wrong with embracing the diversity we have in our communities and making every single person part of every religious belief feel seen.
The local Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose expresses the importance of teaching children about other cultures and festivals to create a sense of unity and understanding, according to its webpage.
“Some of our celebrated holidays include Hanukkah, Diwali, and Día de los Muertos / Day of the Dead,” they wrote.
The museum’s tradition shows how easy it is to recognize other cultures’ celebrations and special occasions and how much it pays off in fostering a sense of belonging and joy.
Every person deserves to feel seen and at peace during their religious holidays, including Muslims, and it is very doable to achieve.
Minaret Foundation lists in their petition on their webpage some approaches schools and universities could take. Schools can avoid assigning graded assignments due on and around Eid, not hold important events on those days, and allow students to take the day off with no repercussions.
It’s amazing how the Minaret Foundation organized a petition for their community members to sign.
Here at San José State and in local school districts, we can also speak up and create lasting, meaningful change.