In a city located in the heart of Silicon Valley, stands San José State University—a beacon of learning and discovery.
It was here that my journey of self-discovery began, amidst the hallowed halls of academia and the jumble of campus life.
As a wide-eyed freshman, I arrived at SJSU with many dreams.
Excitement coursed through my veins as I stepped onto campus eager to embark on this new chapter of my life.
Little did I know that college would shape my intellect but also profoundly impact my sense of self.
I dived into a world of knowledge, explored subjects I had never encountered before, and engaged in discussions that challenged my perspectives.
Don't get me wrong, some classes were not for me, and my grades reflected that.
I took the first two years of college for granted and received a big slap in the face.
I was placed on academic probation because of my poor attendance and low grades.
For months, I questioned if college was the right path for me, even questioning if I really was worthy of a career in the field of journalism.
I felt like a failure – I needed to get my shit together and prove to my parents and everyone that I could continue with college.
Later, I realized I did not need to prove anything to anyone but myself.
There was no point in paying such costly tuition, not enjoying my education, and not taking advantage of the resources SJSU has to offer.
It was not until that realization that I started to put in the work.
Each lecture, assignment, and interaction with professors and peers pushed me to question, analyze, and grow.
I worked my ass off and my academic probation was finally lifted.
Through academic pursuits, I discovered not only my passions but also my strengths and weaknesses.
I gained clarity about who I am and what I aspire to become.
I want to become a journalist with a desire to uncover truths, tell compelling stories and make a meaningful impact on the world around them.
I am fueled by a passion for storytelling and thirst for knowledge with a commitment to upholding the principles of truth, integrity and empathy.
Journalism is more than just a profession — it is a calling.
As an aspiring journalist, I want to be a voice for the voiceless.
It’s not just about reporting the facts—it is about telling stories that resonate with readers, stir emotions and spark conversations that drive positive change.
Above all, I aspire to be a journalist who makes a difference.
I am incredibly thankful for the light college sparked in my life.
I am proud of myself for not giving up and taking the easy way out or even when things got the best of me and I felt like nothing was worth it.
As graduation day approaches, I reflect on the transformative journey that has brought me to this moment— a journey of soul-searching and growth.
College equipped me with knowledge and skills but also, through the challenges it has instilled in me a sense of purpose and identity.
I emerge from these formative years with a diploma in hand but also a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.
In the end, college was more than just an academic institution—it was a path of self-discovery.