To the editor,
When you start your day, one of the last things you expect to do is write a bad ranting poem about a poorly made burrito. Alas, this is exactly what happened this morning after I purchased a breakfast burrito from the Ginger Market. I tried powering through, but after clawing out the eggs in search of literally anything else and running to find a water fountain, I just gave up. I spoke to some friends about it and lo and behold: they had nearly identical experiences on multiple different occasions. Normally I'd stay silent, but this kind of culinary injustice is just something I can't stand for. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and countless students rely on the affordable ease of a breakfast burrito, but are disappointed with a flour-wrapped abomination. So, I did the only thing a red-blooded student with too much time and food based rage could do: I wrote a bad poem.
So to Ginger Market, on behalf of students everywhere, I write:
The breakfast burrito is a piece of art to start the day;
It is tasty, it is filling, and in a very balanced way;
Bacon, sausage, egg, and what have you not;
It seems complicated, though it really isn't a lot;
Ginger market burritos disappoint me so;
And honestly, at this point, I shouldn't even bother to go;
You add too much egg, and barely any potatoes or meat;
A bite of this monstrosity is a tongue-based defeat;
A tasteless affair, it's like you don't even care;
And so I wish you'd hear me out on this, it's only fair:
Your burritos are drier than sawdust and have too much eggs and not enough of anything else.
We want potatoes and meat, not your nasty fake eggs.
Start making them like you expect a human to eat them.
With much love,
Silence Dowannaburrito
Jacob Young
Aerospace engineering junior
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