Dear Editor,
I am confused and upset about the washing machine article in the October 30th edition of Spartan Daily.
The need to replace the washing machines is understandable, but to do it in the middle of the semester is what has me upset.
The students obviously need accessible places to do their laundry, and without these machines in CVB around 1,000 students have lost this privilege for about a month.
If these renovations were taken care of before the school year started, then this problem could have been easily avoided.
Another alternative would be to renovate these machines in waves, leaving some working machines behind so the students would have at least a couple places to do
their laundry.
If these solutions were addressed before the need to replace all the washing machines students like Marcus Jones quoted in the article would not have to deal with finding places to wash their clothes for a month.
As this process has already begun, it is hard to see how this problem could be fixed.
In my opinion, the school should offer compensation to these students that have been left without places to do their laundry in the form of credit.
These credits could later be used on the new machines that will be installed by the end of the month making the school’s relationship with students that live in those buildings better.
Cameron Larkin
Communication studies junior
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