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April 8, 2020

A.S. candidate for director of student rights and responsibilities

Photo illustration by Chelsea Nguyen Fleige/Spartan Daily

Political science junior Dalila Gomez said she puts an emphasis on directly helping people in the community, as evidenced by her past work as a Strive for College mentor, student-at-large for Associated Students’ Lobby Corps committee, and lobbying for substance abuse prevention programs in Hayward.

Gomez said she may be running unopposed for A.S. director of Student Rights and Responsibilities because students are unaware of student government and what resources it can provide for them.

“Because we don’t really think about [resources] until we need them, we don't know where to access that information,” she said.

Gomez would like to make information about students’ rights, university procedures and academic legislation more transparent by consolidating links on the A.S. website, hosting workshops and advising students in person about where to access information.

“One of the things I want to work on is making sure it's accessible so they’ll, like, know exactly where to go. ‘Oh you can click here, you can go online and see where everything is at. What you can do, who you can talk to,’ ”  said Gomez. “I would like to point all these things out to let them know that it’s not their fault they don't know and make it easier to access that information.”