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April 13, 2023

Herrlin resigns from A.S. Board

Photo by Matthew Gonzalez

The Associated Students board of directors held a meeting to approve the resignation of A.S. director of internal affairs Magnus Herrlin and discussed funding for three recognized student organizations on Wednesday at the Student Union. 

Herrlin was not present at the meeting. 

According to Ikaika Rapanot, A.S. vice president, Herrlin’s resignation has been effective since March 30. 

Rapanot quoted a statement from Herrlin during the meeting saying, “I’m grateful for the privilege and opportunity to have represented the student body of San Jose State University. I enjoyed working with my fellow board members. I intend to continue uplifting the voices of the student body in other ways.”

There were no points of discussion regarding the resignation, and the board eventually approved it. 

During a March 30 A.S. meeting, the board discussed Herrlin’s misconduct of not attending meetings without communicating his absence to the board, according to the A.S. Executive Committee Agenda from the same day.

In addition, the agenda reported that Herrlin said the A.S. Board and the SWANA coalition are Anti-semitic and Anti-Zionist.

 “Clearly this board has antisemitism and anti-Zionism,” said Herrlin during the March 22 A.S. board meeting. 

A.S. director of student resource affairs Michael Chadwick said Herrlin’s departure changes the dynamic of the board. 

“He’s a good fighter for students because he will stay strong on his beliefs, although it depends what the beliefs are,” Chadwick said. “His best intentions is to help the students but out of doing so, he has some strong beliefs that don’t necessarily align with values that we should have.”

The A.S. board also focused the attention on funding requests from student groups. 

One student organization that attended the meeting and requested funding from the A.S. board was the Air Corps Leading Club.

The organization trains SJSU students to become Air Force reserve officers, according to its webpage.  

Junior student Stephanie Tran represented the Air Corps Leadership Club and asked for $2,681.81.

She said the club was introduced by the Air Force ROTC program at SJSU. 

The organization seeks funding for apparel and plans to host an event to commemorate the club’s history with SJSU. 

“The aim of this event is to extend the visibility of the organization across the university, and consequently the face of the university,” Tran said.

She said funds for apparel will help represent the university and Air Force in a professional way. 

A.S. controller Antonio Maldonado refuted the initial request and motioned to the board $2,090.81. 

“There’s a limit for a reason,” Maldonado said. “I’m speaking from the perspective of equity, the perspective of fairness.”

Another club seeking funding was the Industrial Designers Society of America club.

Awal Usmane, junior and treasurer for the club, petitioned a $2,700 fund to help the club visit the Nike Headquarters in Portland, Oregon. 

Usmane said the club recently had SJSU alumni Chuck Eichten, the current design director of Nike, to speak at one of the club’s events where Acton invited them for a tour. 

“Nike is a very established brand, well known and very successful,” Usmane said. “We’re going to meet a lot of designers there.”

Chadwick was in full support of the club’s request. 

“If it means meeting someone that’s a previous SJSU student and they have ties, it could possibly make these students have a good opportunity of going to another big company like this,” Chadwick said. 

 A.S. agreed to the $2,700 request of the Industrial Designers Society of America club. 

The Moss Landing Marine Laboratories was the last organization to ask ASB for funding. 

Luke Gardner, Research Faculty and CA Sea Grant Aquaculture Specialist, spoke to the committee through Zoom. 

According to Gardner, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories is a community of 90 graduate students studying marine science to improve and investigate marine environments. 

Gardner said the marine lab is seeking funding for apparel and brochures or flyers to print for publicity. 

“Each student conducts their own original project on their specific area of interest that usually leads to a journal publication,” Gardner said. 

A.S. President Nina Chuang was in favor of approving the lab's $1,493.80 request. 

“This is the start of such great research and elevating our university to new ventures,” Chuang said.